Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Eidul Adha Mubarak!
To all my muslim brothers and sisters,
I wish them a happy Eidul Adha.
I would like to specially thank my one and only Sayang Manja for coming to my aid when I was down and helpless since without her I find no joy in life.
I love her very much with all my heart!
May Allah bless her and her family.
Ameen. Ya Rabbal 'Aalameen!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
December Rain
It's been raining these past few days and both of us were kind of busy with our own commitments.
This is what I wrote for my Sayang Manja --
It's been raining heavily
But my heart feels heavier.
I'm missing you so badly
That it hurts so much.
Like the raindrops that filled this gloomy day,
My teardrops revealed my loneliness.
I miss you, my Sayang Manja!
~ A. Karim BAR
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Four Little Words or Four-Letter Words?
Wal Hamdulillah
Allahu Akbar
These are not words. They are the phrases that were playing in my mind as I try to keep my cool.
I admit. I am a fool. A stupid nincompoop even! Why do I bother to make ends meet? Why do I bother to ask concerned questions? Why do I bother trying my best to settle things?
I sacrificed my time. I used the precious moments when my family needs me to be home by being somewhere else with someone whom I thought would benefit our future. Alas! How wrong I was. Alhamdulliah, Allah made me realise it.
There won't be another time. As they say, 'Once bitten, twice shy.'
Come to think of it, I missed 'Hikmah' for the sake of meeting that someone who eventually spoilt my day!
And how was my day spoilt?
By the way I was greeted when she saw me. She yelled at me in the MRT station for not knowing where she was. I had sent messages asking her whereabouts. She shouted that she does not read sms.
Okay ... denoted. Looks like I cannot call her and I cannot message her.
I asked several concerned questions about her and all I get were rude sarcastic remarks.
Please note that I do not pick on things. I merely pointed out to her how she had greeted me. She just could not accept the fact that I was right. I end up picking up the pieces of whatever mess she had made of our relationship.
But the worst thing to happen was she muttering these four little words and I stopped being too concerned about her. I shall remember these four little words for although only four, I felt like a barrage of four-letter words upon my already broken fragile heart.
I felt a sharp pain inside me. The dagger that had killed Julius Ceasar had been plunged into my cardiac organ. Tears started welling in my eyes. She saw it and sniggered with a sense of accomplishment. Satisfied that I was unable to retort her last words.
I guess you want to know what the four words were.....
Thursday, November 30, 2006
A Meeting With Allah.
For those who do not know me, I am the owner of a chat channel in the mIRC at GalaxyNet.
My channel is called #madrasah. This channel is mostly occupied by madrasah students and my main interest as a channel owner here is to educate these students on how to use the internet and chatrooms. How to use scripts etc etc etc.
But mostly, they will ask advice about religion. Hey, it's not an easy job but where else can I speak arabic?
I was particularly bored today since I am not having anybody to talk to the whole day. The phonecall I was waiting for never came through. Some people have the cheek to tell me to wait by the phone because that particular person will be calling me but never does so. Empty promises are abundant in this world.
So, relieve of my loneliness came in the form of chatting with my channel chatters. At least, these people are polite to me and you know that I hate rude specimens of any species!
Anyway, somebody had posted this note in my channel topic for all and I think I will forward his/her wishes here as well.
Just watch this --
Now tell me who will not be shaken nor stirred after viewing this?
May Allah bless the kind soul for this reminder.
Ameen. Ya Rabbal 'Aalameen.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Shaken Not Stirred
I was bored at home yesterday. Having taken five days of sick leave due to the extraction of my wisdom tooth followed by two weeks of annual leave, I was left by myself without my Sayang Manja who has been busy herself. Agreed ... we had been seeing each other almost daily and calling each other on the phone everyday ... we need to have space for our own activities.
So, there was I left alone bored. I decided to take a walk at Tampines Mall to kill time. As soon as I reached there, I remembered about Casino Royale ..... hence .... I got this!
Casino Royale is based on Ian Fleming's first James Bond novel.
Do not get confused with a movie of the same name which is a spoof of that novel.
In this 1967 movie spoof, Sir James Bond, a spy from the old school is called back to service by the death of "M" and the imminent collapse of civilisation. The opposition tries to compromise him, but even as nubile young agents are thrown at him, he remains above it all. Going beyond parody to sillyness, every agent is renamed James Bond, 007 to confuse the enemy, including Woody Allen who plays, Little Jimmy Bond.
In the latest Bond film, a new actor was chosen to play Bond. Will he make it like Sean Connery and Roger Moore?
Daniel Craig plays the new Bond. There were many objections from Bond fanatics like me mainly due to his blond hair. Bond is not BLOND! Critics had even called Daniel Craig as James Blond.
Being a Bond fanatic, I watched Casino Royale alone.
This latest James Bond movie which is based on the first James Bond novel started with black and white scenes. It shows that Bond, a rookie spy had just been promoted and given the DOUBLE O status. Having that status gives him the licence to kill.
In the opening, Bond had only killed ONE guy and he was recollecting the event with someone whom he was pursuing. That person became his 2nd guy to be killed!
This movie shows Bond being new and reckless. I nearly hated this character since that is not Bond.
As he was chasing a 3rd bad guy (Sebastian Foucan), he did not care about the safety of the innocent onlookers. Making a mess and wrecking things. He even demolished a construction site during the chase! How contradictory.
But as the show continues, I tend to be facinated by the cinematography.
This Bond film does not show much gadgetry as most of the Bond films do. It shows how Bond is physically!
There were car chases, but the best chase is the ground chase on foot in the first half hour. It reminds me of how Jackie Chan would run away from his tormentors by climbing on walls, jumping through windows etc.
It reminds me of how Johnny Weismuller (original Tarzan) swings from one tree to another from one branch to another without breaking rhythm.
The foot chase scene was a feast to the eye and the audience was brought to many places on foot at a fast pace.
This escape itself uses a form of martial art. It is known as Parkour. Parkour is about forward motion without interruption. It uses the force which is already present to enable oneself to defend or attack. It is like Tai Chi.
Sebastian Foucan is an expert in Parkour. His remarkable skill helped in making the scene exciting. I like that scene :-)
The 2006 Casino Royale has Bond struggling to carry out his first major mission with his target the super rich banker Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen).
Bond finds himself pitted against Le Chiffre in a winner takes all, high stakes poker game at the plush Casino Royale in Montenegro.
He is placed under the care of the beguiling and beautiful treasury agent Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) as our hero risks his life and limb for Queen and Country.
The movie also shows why Bond wants his martini shaken but not stirred. This concoction is known as the 'Vesper' after Vesper Lynd.
"A dry martini," he said. "One. In a deep champagne goblet."
''Oui, monsieur.''
"Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?"
''Certainly monsieur."
The barman seemed pleased with the idea.
"Gosh, that's certainly a drink," said Leiter.
Bond laughed.
"When I'," he explained, "I never have more than one drink before dinner. But I do like that one to be large and very strong and very cold, and very well-made. I hate small portions of anything, particularly when they taste bad. This drink's my own invention. I'm going to patent it when I think of a good name.”
It also shows Bond in another angle -- his physical and mental prowess against all odds.
This was the scene when Bond was captured by Le Chiffre and stripped naked. Yeah .... he was seen totally naked with this guy and not with Lynd nor the Italian Beauty Queen actress.
Le Chiffre wanted to know the password for the money kept in the vault and tortured Bond to get the information.
The naked Bond was tied to a broken chair that has no seat thus exposing his manhood from front to the bottom.
Le Chiffre uses a BIG whip to scar Bond's exposed scrotum but Bond was witty. This scene turned out like a gay scene with him asking for more and giving directions where to whip him. Talk about male bonding and bondage .... hmmmm ..... so that's where the word came from!
By the second hour of the movie, I like this new Bond. It shows how his character developed from a bungling rookie to a professional spy. It shows Bond from being reckless and cold-hearted to be someone caring and able to fall in love. It also shows why bond is able to detach himself emotionally.
It portrays Bond, being newly promoted, resigning from MI5. That resignation surprised me since this should be the first Bond series. All this is for his love for a girl!
You're not going to let me in there. You've got your armor back on.
I have no armor left. You stripped it from me.
Whatever is left of me,
Whatever I am
I'm yours.
As usual, the never-ending twist and plot of the movie makes sense at the last half hour of the movie.
And at the very last minute, the most famous line was uttered by Daniel Craig ending the show.
The name's Bond, James Bond!
That was how the movie ended. James Bond in his tuxedo, moving calmly towards his target.
A new Bond is in the making and I like it! Forget about his blond hair, forget about his clumsiness earlier. This is a new Bond.
This is not the end. This is the beginning of the James Bond movies!
Note: I do miss my Sayang Manja and I'll be watching this again with her next time!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Congratulatons To Ci Yuan CC MAEC!
Let me congratulate the Chairman and Committee Members of Ci Yuan Community Centre Malay Activity Executive Committee (CYCC MAEC) for their recent 4-Star achievement.
Yes, we have been given 4-star ratings for our activities in Ci Yuan CC which is for the Aljunied-Hougang Constituency in Aljunied GRC.
At the meeting I attended last night, the Chairman for CYCC MAEC, Mr. Ahmad Abdul Majid announced that we have achieved our target of 4-Star for all our activities for the year 2006.
It is the second year since 2005 we have been receiving 4-Star and this is a feat difficult to maintain.
Mr. Ahmad mentioned that we shall need to focus our activities by July 2007 to achieve the third 4-Star award.
Cikgu Siti, 2nd Vice-Chairman for CYCC MAEC, was eager to ask what we will get if we managed to attain the 3rd 4-Star and what is the highest star.
Mr. Ahmad quipped that this award is just a measure of how good a committee is in each Communitiy Centre. By attaining the highest star which is the 4-Star, CYCC MAEC will be recognised throughout Aljunied GRC.
True to his word, it is confirmed that CYCC MAEC will take the lead in Gentarasa 2007!
Gentarasa is always organised by private professional bodies under MESRA.
Gentarasa 2007 will be a first to be organised by any MAEC in the whole of Singapore and that MAEC is CYCC MAEC.
Again, my heartfelt congratulations to CYCC MAEC for their recent achievement!
On a heavier note, I was assigned to be in charge of the Dangdut Night in one of the mosques in Hougang. I'm not looking forward to this but it shall be a first if it is done. Of course, nothing is finalised but it was only a suggestion by Mr. Ahmad for our 2007 activities.
There are lots of activities planned for next year and our activities for this year is never ending!
Tonight, there will be a Deeparaya 2006 jointly organised by CYCC MAEC and Aljunied-Hougang Resident Committees of Zone 7, Zone 8 and Zone 9 at NC Park in Hougang. Tickets are available there.
The meeting ended with a surprise for one of our Executive Members, Mr. Zainal. CYCC MAEC Secretary, Mr. Suhaimi, announced that it was Mr. Zainal's birthday that day and the shy birthday boy who turned 39, was made to cut the cake.
After the recitation of du'a by Vice Chairman CYCC MAEC (me), we ate the cake merrily.
Now .... isn't that rewarding?
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Mentos Mints And Diet Coke
Yesterday, I was at my Sayang Manja's place after we had our little shopping spree at Geylang. Little Naufal was around with Izan. They were playing around and occasionally came up to me to get me involved. I liked playing with children and I enjoy playing with them.
Naufal was having some food in his mouth while walking or running around and beckoning me with his own baby language to participate in his entertainment slot -- at times laughing and at times googling away still wanting me to understand his dialogue (more or less a soliloquy to me).
While I was talking to my fiancee, he came running to me, patting my thighs, trying to tell me something. I looked at him and saw him puking out the food from his small mouth. He had taken more than he could chew or swallow.
I held my palm out to collect the contents from his mouth and realised that they were unchewed peanuts. I told Farah that Naufal does not like peanuts since he was throwing it out of his mouth.
As he emptied his mouth, he kept coming nearer to me, his face changing from a smile to a frown, moving his head left and right continuously. He then pushed me and went under my legs. It was a funny scene as both my fiancee and I were laughing. We thought that he really disliked peanuts and was trying very hard to get that awful taste from his mouth by shaking his head vigorously.
The episode ended when he darted out from beneath my legs and ran towards his mother who was at the dining table.
Yes, it ended there but the event kept replaying in my mind over and over again. Not that I wanted to relive the comedy but that I wanted to understand little Naufal.
It was very late at night after I had put down the phone that ends my day with Farah that I realised what happened.
I had to call her back and explained to her my theory. I told my sleepy Sayang Manja that I had failed Naufal when he came running towards me for HELP!
He was eating peanuts. Merely a year old child eating a mouthful of peanuts. What do you expect? He cannot chew them and swallowed wholly most of the peanuts. When you have a mouthful, you tend to miss that tunnel to the stomach and a stray pea might have ventured into your windpipe. A small pea but it is big enough to block a child's windpipe.
He was choking!
No wonder his face changed. No wonder he was pushing me. He was trying to communicate to me. He had to go down to dislodge that small pea from his aesophagus. He came down to me expecting me to help him but what did I do? I was laughing!
Recalling this incident, I felt dissappointed. I felt fear. Fear of losing cute little Naufal. Fear of losing one of your loved ones.
My memory flashes back in time ......
At that time, I was a four year old boy playing with my sisters in my kampung house at Tanah Merah. It was a cool afternoon. My sisters and I were laughing, running around with our favourite Mentos mints in our mouth. Our dad had given us those mints. They were colourful Mentos mints. There were the normal white ones, the red ones and the blue ones.
Out of the blue, my sister, Faridah came running to me. Her eyes were openned wide and she did not say anything. Her mouth was openned. She kept pointing at it. I did not understand what she was trying to tell me.
Our dad, who was watching us, grabbed my sister and held her firmly. He then put his palm on her stomach and pushed upwards forcing the remaining air to be released out of her mouth.
Something jetted out of her mouth and flew across the living room! It was a white Mentos mint. My sister started to make noise and we continued playing. Everything went back as per normal.
Now that I am all grown up recalling that incident, it is indeed scary! I could have lost my sister if not for the calm reaction of our dad.
Do you know that there are incidents of childhood death involving mentos mints? Last week a little boy died in Brazil after eating MENTOS and drinking Coca-Cola together.
A year before, the same accident happened with another boy in Brazil.
There was an experiment done by mixing Mentos mints with Coca Cola ---->
They utilised two household items -- Mentos mints and a 2-litre bottle of Diet Coke.
The experiment mixed Mentos mints with Diet Coke and it makes a reaction.

"A coke is actually a super-saturated solution of carbonic acid or carbon dioxide," said Professor Mark Hayes. What professor Hayes means is it's not a chemical reaction but a physical one.
"You stored up a bunch of bubbles and they can't get out and when you throw the Mentos in there it gives us a whole lot of places to start the bubbles," said Hayes. It was something they figured out years ago back in small-town Maine.
Just imaginge if the Coca Cola bottle is a child's stomach. The carbonated drink could have flooded his lungs.
So be careful, do not mix Mentos mints and Coca Cola together.
It is still Eid in Singapore. Children go around with parents or family members and are served carbonated drinks.
Do not mix mints with carbonated drinks. Think of your loved ones.
Be merry but be wary!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Common mistakes we make when we perform Salah
This is a reminder for forgetful me when I perform my Salah.
Mistake 1: Reciting Surah Al-Fatiha fast without pausing after each verse.
The Prophet (SAW) used to pause after each verse of this surah. (Abu Dawood)
Mistake 2 : Sticking the arms to the sides of the body, in ruku' or sujud, and sticking the belly to the thighs in sujud.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Let not one of you support himself on his forearms (in sujud) like the dog. Let him rest on his palms and keep his elbows away from his body."
(Sahih Muslim)
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to keep his arms away from his body during ruku' and sujud that the whiteness of his armpits could be seen (Sahih Muslim).
Mistake 3 : Gazing upward during prayer.
This may cause loss of concentration. We are commanded to lower our gaze, and look at the point at which the head rests during sujud.
The Prophet (SAW) warned: "Let those who raise their gaze up during prayer stop doing so, or else their sights would not return to them. [i.e. lose their eyesight]." (Muslim)
Mistake 4 : Resting only the tip of the head on the floor during sujud.
The Prophet (SAW) said: "I am commanded to prostrate on seven bones the forehead and the nose, the two hands [palms],the two knees, and the two feet."
(Sahih Muslim)
Applying the above command necessitates resting the forehead and the nose on the ground during sujood.
Mistake 5 : Hasty performance of prayer which does not allow repose and calmness in ruku' or sujud.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) saw a man who did not complete his ruku' [bowing], and made a very short sujud [prostration];
He (SAW) said:
"If this man dies while praying in this manner, he would die upholding a religion other than the religion of Muhammad."
Abu Hurairah (RA) said:
"My beloved friend, Muhammad (SAW) forbade me to perform postures of prayer copying the picking of a rooster; (signifying fast performanceof prayer), moving eyes around like a fox and the sitting like monkeys ( i.e. to sit on thighs). "
(Imam Ahmad & at-Tayalisi)
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: " The worst thief is the one who steals from his own prayer." People asked, 'Messenger of Allah! How could one steal from his own prayer?'
He (SAW) said: "By not completing its ruku' and sujud."
(At Tabarani & al-Hakim).
To complete ruku' is to stay in that posture long enough to recite
"Subhana rabbiyal Adtheem" three times, SLOWLY,
and "Subhana rabbiyal-a'ala" three times, SLOWLY, in sujud.
He (SAW) also announced:
"He who does not complete his ruku' and sujud, his prayer is void ."
(Abu Dawood & others)
Mistake 6 : Counting tasbih with the left hand.
The Prophet (SAW) used to count tasbih on the fingers of his right hand after salah.
Ibn Qudamah (RA) said: " The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used his right hand for tasbih." (Abu Dawood)
The above hadith indicates clearly that the Prophet (SAW) used only one hand for counting tasbih. No Muslim with sound mind would imagine that the Prophet (SAW) used his left hand for counting tasbih.
Aa'ishah (RA) said that the Prophet (SAW) used his left hand only for Istinjaa', or cleaning himself after responding to the call of nature. He never used it
for tasbih.
Yasirah (RA) reported: The Prophet (SAW) commanded women to count tasbih on their fingers.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "They (the fingers) will be made to speak, and will be questioned (on the Day of Resurrection.)" (At-Tirmidhi)
The above Hadith indicates that it is preferable to count tasbih on the fingers of the right hand than to do so on masbahah (rosary).
Mistake 7 : Crossing in front of a praying person.
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) warned: "Were the one who crosses in front of a praying person to know the consequences of doing so, he would have waited for forty* better than to cross in front of him."
(Sahih Bukhari and Muslim).
*The forty in the tradition may be day's months or even years. Allah knows best.
Wa Billaahi Taufik Wal Hidayah
Friday, October 27, 2006
Aljunied-Hougang Chess Club
I was asked to set up a Chess Club by my MP for his constituency. I have no experience in setting up a Chess Club but I was a member of SIA Chess Club.
What I need are suggestions and quotations from anyone who can provide me the following --
- Quotations for Chess Sets.
- Quotations for Chess Books.
- Quotations for Chess Clocks.
- Rules on Chess and types of chess competitions.
- Rules on Blitz Tournament.
I also need members from all areas in Singapore who are willing to take part in events organised by the Chess Club.
Are there any Chess Grandmasters around who can give guidance to members and also create attraction for Chess? Do you know any Grandmasters who are willing to come to Singapore for Chess events?
Please forward all quotations to or you can give your comments in this blog.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Where Is My Sayang Manja?
This is a picture of the gal that I fell in love with. Isn't she adorable?
[Hmmmm .... Oh well I posted my fiancee's beautiful picture above but had to 'hide' it otherwise she would sue me for all the money I have. Now back to my story ...]
It was love at first sight. She was a warm, caring and romantic individual who knew how to uphold herself.
The first few conversations that we had when we knew each other were very interesting. We talked and talked and talked. I enjoyed talking to her and I knew that she liked talking to me.
There were arguments as our thoughts differ but we reached to an agreement to be able to disagree about certain things.
So what is the problem?
This person whom I have known long enough is no longer the person that I used to love. Her character and attitude changed.
She became proud and starts to order me around to do things her way. I am unable to talk to her as she would hang-up the phone while I was talking. She will no longer listen to me. She wants me to say things the very same way that her mind has already set-up for her.
Where has this gal that I love so much gone to?
[Again the picture was taken out in view that I'll be made a bankrupt!]
I miss her and yes ... when I get angry or feel hurt and down, I will look at these pictures to soothe my pains.
I remember the day that both of us confessed our feelings for each other.
It was late at night and she was afraid to go home. The reason? [ I can't tell you cos my fiancee will sue me for all my money's worth ... back to my story...] I sent her home not wanting her to run off alone in the dark night.
Yes ... We had a wonderful time prior to that. Nasi ayam at Bugis. A stroll along Beach Road .... heheh ... we should be strolling on a beach!
We got closer to each other. She even accompanied me when I bought two PCs for my office.
Both of us were touched by this video we saw at Funan Centre and that was in the year 2004!
I managed to get copies of it in different languages from the net before I found this youtube link only this year! Anyway, the copy is in my mobile :-)
We got engaged to be married. I can't wait to be married to her. We talked about our future family and how we would bring up our kids. I have my views and she has hers. So to avoid any arguments, we reviewed and compromised.
We had selected names for our children. How they would be loved and cared for. What to do when I am gone ....
We do have our fears. The fear that certain parties do not like us being together. She did find under her block remnants of black magic directed at us. Someone had lit a candle and burned a torn picture of us taken together. We do not fear black magic but we feared only Allah. Insya' Allah we shall persevere.
But recently, I have difficulty talking to her. I told her that I can no longer talk to her. She irritates me. She makes me angry. She blamed me for being angry all the time. It is very frustrating when she quotes her lawyer friend's words. Doesn't she used to have her own mind? I'm angry? Me? What is the causal factor?
Actually, that was not anger. I was hurt. Anger comes from her. Whenever I tell her that I am hurt, she will get angry and irritates me. I've learnt my lesson and not to get angry. But how do you stop getting hurt?
I admit that I am an emotional guy. I get hurt emotionally easily. This is how I was brought up by my family. The only persons that understand me are my sisters. We are a closely knit family.
My fiancee was a wonderful girl. She would update me of her whereabouts. Likewise, I will do the same.
Now, I know nothing of what her plans are. When is her next examination paper? I do not know. What did she have for breakfast? What time did she sleep last night? What is her new email address that she shared with others but me? I am no longer the one person whom she would come up to when she has news.
She has her msn friends. She has her email friends and of course, her sms friends. So what about me? Oh ... I am not her friend but her fiance. Now that hurts!
Recently, when I eagerly told her that I would go with her to Geylang where she would meet her family she defensively said that it was only for family members. My heart dropped realising what she portrayed me as .... not a friend and not family .... I believed she thinks that it will not hurt to push aside her fiance.
Shall I stop asking her questions? Shall I stop caring for her? I can't cos I love her so much.
What should I do?
O Allah, I am your weak servant. Help me restore our love. Help me extinguish the fire of Hatred that is engulfing our fragile hearts. Both of us are hurt. Both of us are in pain. Help me to help us!
Allahumma antas salaam
Wa minkas salaam
Wa ilaika ya 'uudus salaam
Fahay yinaa Rabbana bis salaam
Wa adkhilnal jannatal Daaras salaam
Ta baarakta Rabbana wa ta 'aalaita
Yaa Dzaljalaali wal Ikram.
Ameen! Ameen! Ya Rabbal 'Aalameen!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Eid Mubarak
Minal 'Aidin Wal Faizin Wal Maqbulin
Kullu 'Aam Wa Antum Bikhair

I take this opportunity to wish my muslim brothers and sisters a "Happy Eid".
To my Sayang Manja, my fiancee whom I love dearly and to her beloved and respected family whom I love more than anything else in this world, I bid them the best for this world and the Hereafter. May this Eid be full of Iman, Taqwa and Ihsan. May Allah be pleased with them! Ameen.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Red Full Moon.
It was the 23rd day of Ramadhan yesterday. I had to leave my office early due to my not feeling well. I have been sneezing ... my nose is like a tap of chendol ... my bones ache ... my ears ache too.
Now when my ears ache ... that is a sign that Fever is catching up on me. I left the office at 7.30am. That's the second time I left early ... well .. it's not early since I can leave at 7am after my midnight shift. I usually stayed and monitored the next flight before I leave for home but for the two days .... I left it in the hands of my competent staff.
Took the bus home and strolled to my block.
I was thinking ... thinking ...
The Night of Power and I felt weak ... hah! What a contradiction. But the night was cold and I felt cold at that time (It was already 8.05am) ... maybe it was the night of Qadr after all!
I looked around me ... hmmm ... it was not warm ... I do not see any stars .... but hey I can see the full moon and it was RED!
I told myself ...
yah a red full moon ... so what?? Makes no diff, man!
( note: I speak that way to myself only!)
It suddenly dawned into me that it was already 8am ....
what stars? what moon? It should be the sun. But the sun was not bright and it looked small ....
I took out my O2 and snapped these pictures ... If you enlarge the photo, you will see the red moon.
After four shots ... the shy sun smiled brightly. What makes the bright sun blushed?
The PSI reading for that morning was above 100 ... not healthy for an old man like me ... hehehe
I have been having these headaches and sneezes during these periods of thick haze. The worst was when I was sneezing and slurping during the Terawih prayers at the void deck. The guy next to me felt uncomfortable. There was this Pakcik who stucked out his head to take glances at me.
So being a responsible Muslim, reluctantly, I left after 8 rakaats of Terawih. I do not want to be the cause of the congregation to get infected with whatever I was having. So I left.
I returned the next day though (last Saturday) and the Pakcik salaamed at me (it's salam not slam) ... hehehe .... This time I have my hanky with me. The day before, I had nothing.
Being Saturday, the Terawih is only 8 rakaats followed by a guest speaker. Oh yes ... the Terawih and Isya' prayers were lead by an imam from Al-Azhar again, Sheikh Al-Hafiz Mahmood Aziz. This guy recited not from the Juzu' Amma and it was excellent! Subhanallah ... how I envied his knowledge.
Ustaz Suhaimi Mustar was the guest speaker. He was the ustaz who taught me fiqh at PERGAS and he is now attached to MUIS. His sermon was about Lailatul Qadr and it's significance.
*** Fast Forward ***
Today, alhamdulillah ... I feel better. The pep talk that my fiancee gave me last night is working well. I felt motivated and look forward to getting married as soon as possible.
Or was it because we will be meeting later at 3pm???
Yeah ... told her that I have some extra cash and we could do some shopping. I will be breaking fast at her place and we will perform Terawih at her neighbour's which is lead by my future dad-in-law
Al-Imam As-Sanghafoori Al-Fadhil As-Sheikh Damri Basri Al-Haj.
I love my fiancee and her family.
May Allah bless them and provide them with continued Iman, prolonged live, the best of health, abundance of wealth and taqwa.
Ameen Ameen Ya Rabbal 'Aalameen.
Posted at
7:42:00 am
Labels: haze, moon, Qadr, Ramadhan, sayang manja, Sheikh Mahmood Aziz