Sunday, October 22, 2006

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak
Minal 'Aidin Wal Faizin Wal Maqbulin
Kullu 'Aam Wa Antum Bikhair

Eid Mubarak

I take this opportunity to wish my muslim brothers and sisters a "Happy Eid".

To my Sayang Manja, my fiancee whom I love dearly and to her beloved and respected family whom I love more than anything else in this world, I bid them the best for this world and the Hereafter. May this Eid be full of Iman, Taqwa and Ihsan. May Allah be pleased with them! Ameen.Eid Mubarak from A.Karim BAR

Eid Mubarak
Eid Mubarak
Eid MubarakEid MubarakEid Mubarak

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