Thursday, February 15, 2007

Of Valentines And Lovely Times.

Happy Valentine's Day to my Sayang Manja!

The first person to wish me Happy Valentine's Day yesterday was a guy when I just arrived the airport.

He was walking together with a female colleague and both of them saw me. From far, our eyes met and I knew that they were walking towards me.

Zul stretched out his right hand to give me salaam while Dianna was eager to see me as we have not spoken for nearly three weeks due to her different shift duties.

I accepted Zul's hand and Dianna was wishing Happy Valentine's Day to me. I was still holding Zul's warm hand and both of us exchanged Valentine wishes.

Dianna got upset since she wanted me to wish her first instead of Zul. I told her that it did not matter as it was only a wish and I am not some sort of a genie who can grant wishes.

Anyway, we did not exchange handshakes.

My concept of a Muslim wishing another person a Happy Valentine's Day is an open concept. I do not extend my hand nor give hugs to members of the female gender be they Muslims or non-Muslims.

Singapore is a multi-racial and religious country with many forms of celebrations all year round. I remembered approaching a group of female co-workers and asking them how they will be celebrating Valentine's Day.

One of them did not answer my question but instead questioned me.

Mr. Karim. Are you not a Malay?

Yes .... so?

Malays do not celebrate Valentine's Day.

But what has that got to do with what I asked you?

The other 3 ladies looked at us. Two of them are Indians and one of them is a Malay. Shida is an Indian Muslim.

I told them that I do not celebrate Valentine's Day but being in Singapore was forced to. They looked puzzled.

I then explained to them in another scenario.

Don't you guys wish each other Merry Christmas or Happy Deepavali when the season comes? What is the difference when the greeting changed to a Happy Valentine's Day greeting?

These are all celebrations. Islam teaches us to be tolerant with each other's religion. As long as you still believe in the One God and do not assign other Gods unto Him, you tolerate your neighbours' believes. You accept your neighbour as what they are and be tolerant. That way you cultivate Peace and Harmony.

The ladies stared blankly at me trying to absorb what I had just preached.

Let this fact be known. No, I do not celebrate Valentine's Day! But if somebody wishes me a Happy Valentine's Day, I reciprocate the wish. I do not give handshakes nor hugs to the opposite gender. (hmmmm .... this reminded me of someone ....)

So my next question is --

How was your Valentine's Day?

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